Saturday, March 26, 2011

Light Verticutting

If you played golf earlier this week you may not have noticed the greens were verticut.What is verticutting? It is the thinning of turfgrass by blades that cut perpendiculally to the soil. Along with improved putting conditions, verticutting has many agronomic benefits as well. During the growing season it will be performed weekly to bi-weekly depending on growth rates and enviormental conditions. Topdressing will follow this at times.

               Verticutting benefits
      • Thatch removal
      • Helps control grain
      • Produces more upright growth
      • Generates new growth
      • Helps maintain firmness
      • Increases turf density

Carbide tipped blades on 1/2 inch spacings
#10 Green being verticut Monday morning in front of play

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring Appears To Be Here

Compared to the last couple of years the course is about a month ahead. It is beginning to green up along with trees and shrubs blooming. Here are a few pictures that were taken yesterday.


Cherry Trees and Forsythia at the corner of #2

Front lawn at the clubhouse
#'s 18, 10  and the Driving Range

Sunday, March 6, 2011


First of all I would like to thank each of you for visiting this site.  We hope the information provided will not only be informative and educational but also interesting.  Details including how often the blog will be updated have not yet been worked out; this will be sorted out over time.

During our close down period we were able to maintain a high level of productivity.  Please keep in mind our course staff was reduced from 12 to 8 crew members and we also dealt with very cold weather the first 5 weeks of the close down.The list below is accomplishments as well as pictures of the work areas during that time.
  • Bunkers on #'s 1,3,6,8,11,13 and 17 have had contaminates removed from drainage lines and new sand placed over them
  • Sand has been added to bunkers where needed on #'s 1-13 and the practice area
  • Drainage pipe has been installed in front of range tees
  • Two herbicide applications have been made to the course totaling 240 acres
  • Ball washers were refurbished
  • Approx. 30 dead trees were removed
  • Restroom doors have been repainted and minor repairs have been made to the interior
  • Approx. 10 catch basins have been raised in the fwys and rough
  • Approx. 20 irrigation heads and valve boxes have been raised
  • All crepe myrtles and roses have been pruned

Removal of contaminated material in #17 bunker

Woven material that covers the drain lines in bunkers clogged with sediment

 Drainage installation at the driving range