Friday, June 17, 2011

Cart Path Replacement

A 20'x 8'section of cart path heaved and broke coming out of the tunnel going to #13. Last week this section was replaced. During our closedown period for aerification we will be replacing severely broken sections of path and curb throughout the course. Pictured below is #13 path.


Friday, June 3, 2011

Post Aerification Update

It has been 10 days since greens were verticut and aerified.Holes continue to heal over at a rapid pace due to extra fertilizer and the warm temperatures. We will topdress greens next Tuesday,this will help to fill remaining holes. They will be mowed daily and rolled 4-6 times per week to remove tracks left by equipment. I'm hopeful that remaining holes are gone by the weekend of June 11th.Below are pictures taken today (6/3).

Close up #12

Close up #10

