Saturday, August 27, 2011

Creek Repair #15

A section of the creek on the left side of the hole has severely eroded over the past several years. It has threatened to undermine the path but most importantly it was a dangerous situation for cart traffic. The creek has been moved approx. 20ft.and lined with stone. The old creek channel was filled in, graded then sod was installed. The pictures below are before and after.


Prior to sodding


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Greens Aerification and Cart Path Update

We have just reached the four week mark since greens were aerified. In the ten days following, we had less than desirable weather for optimum healing. Cooler than average temperatures due to heavy cloud cover slowed the process.  During this time, we experienced five days of thick cloud cover with very little sun. This has a huge impact on the greens ability to grow since Champion Bermudagrass requires 8 hours of sunlight. With that being said, the weather has been ideal since and they are about 95% healed. Topdressing in the form of sand is being applied weekly. Beginning today the height will be lowered from .120 to .110 and they will be double cut each day we are open combined with periodic rolling. It will not take long (5-7 days) for the suface to become very smooth and reach speeds on the stimpmeter of 10.5 - 11 feet that you all are accustomed to. It has consistently taken 4-5 weeks to completely heal. For those that participated in the Greystone Invitational you may remember there were still some open holes on the greens 4+ weeks after aerifying. Without proper cultivation, the speed and firmness we achieve would not be possible. I appreciate everyone's support during the two events each year.

Deep Drill Machine

#11 ( Pic Taken On 8/18)

#15( Pic Taken On 8/18)

While we were closed broken sections of cart path and curbing were replaced. Approx.2500ft2 of path and 330 linear ft of curbing on # 1,2,3,4,5,8,9,10 and the clubhouse received much needed repairs.

Demo Behind Clubhouse


Finished Product