Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Verticutting Greens

On Mon.and Tues. of this week greens were verticut and topdressed. Over time bermudagrass greens become so densly packed with plants that is is necessary to thin them out. By verticutting and topdressing it helps to reduce scalping, dilute organic matter, increase firmness and promote new growth. It takes about 3-4 days to return to smooth conditions and about 8-10 to completely heal. This practice is vital to maintain healthy greens.

In this pic the mower is cutting the plants that are stood up as a result of the verticutting.

Grass removed off of the putting green. 

Brushing in the topdressing. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Strong Storms

Between yesterday and this morning two different thunderstorm complexes blew through. They brought high winds and dumped 2+ inches of rain. The results are 2 trees down at the clubhouse, 2 trees struck by lightning next to #12 cart path, scattered debris and bunkers that are washed.

Our first priority is to remove the fallen trees and clean up the debris. We are hopeful to put bunkers back together by mid week.