Friday, August 2, 2013

Aerification 2013 update (3)

Greens: Holes 12 -18 were aerifyed and topdressed on Monday, fertilized on Wednesday and will be topdressed over the weekend to top off remaining holes. Keep in mind that it will take several more weeks before they return to normal.

Fairways: Holes 9-18 were aerified, verticut and scalped. It should take a couple more weeks before the fwys are back to normal.

Tees: Holes 1-18 were verticut and scalped. It should take 10-14 days before they return to normal. Our intentions were to aerify them but due to the frequent rains we were unable to. This will be completed over the next several weeks.

Of the 17 days we have been closed, it has rained on 7 of those for a total of 8.55". To put that into perspective, June and July's average combined is 8.80".

#11 after being aerified
Verticutting tees
New roots pulled from aerification hole