Friday, May 27, 2011


Removal of 1/2" cores and aggressive verticutting was completed on Wed. the 25th. Greens were given extra fertilizer to speed up recovery.Next week they will be lightly verticut and  topdressed to fill any holes that were left open. If the weather holds I would expect about a 3 week recovery period. Below are several pictures of the process. I will provide an update on Fri.June 3rd.

Verticutting #18

Verticutting #4

Aerifying #10

Plug clean up

Following topdressing

Finished product



Friday, May 6, 2011

Summer Annuals

Flower installation was completed this week at clubhouse and aquatics center.  Lantana, begonia, coleus, angelonia, scaevola, pentas, petunia and zinnia are a few examples of the plants that were used.  Below are pictures of several areas.

Preparing Beds


Entrance Sign

Pro Shop Area
