Monday, July 22, 2013

Aerification 2013 Update

A dry week allowed us to accomplish a significant amount of work. Greens were aerified 2 directions on a 2"x 2.25" spacing using .660" tines which impacted 15.34% of the surface area. Following the coring they were cleaned off, rolled several times, fertilized, topdressed, brushed and rolled again.

The International Sports turf Research Center, Inc.(the company that performs our physical soil property testing), along with the U.S.G.A. recommends impacting at least 20% of the surface area per year for our grass type and climate.

Yesterday we were able to begin aerify the greens for a second time. Holes 1-9 and the practice were completed and ready for clean up this morning. Unfortunately we received 2.60" of rain that has halted our progress for now. We will need a couple of dry days before we can resume with greens aerification.

Fairways 1-8 have been core aerified, with 1-6 being cleaned up, verticut and mowed. We will resume when they dry out. Below are pictures from last week.

Check back for an update at the end of this week.

First direction on #18

.660 cores

Prior to sand


Rolling following topdressing

New fairway aerifier in action #5 

Verticutting plugs in #1